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Theatre reviews
Oliver! The Musical - Lowther Pavilion Lytham

“Consider yourself entertained” was the clear message from the cast at the opening of St Annes Parish Operatic Society’s production of Lionel Bart’s Oliver! at Lowther Pavilion, Lytham, on Wednesday night.

And what a night it was. Lytham St Annes High student Adam Palmer took the title role with just the right mix of confidence and clarity, setting the pace of this highly professional performance.

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The story of young Oliver’s journey from the workhouse may be familiar but the songs took on a fresh flavour, as the long hours of rehearsal clearly demonstrated.

Phil Hemmings’s interpretation of gin-swilling Fagin was faultless while the Artful Dodger (Archie Follett) and Bill Sykes (Phil Swift) lived up to all expectations. Rob Harrison and Sue McQuiggan also excelled as the wailing Widow Corney and Mr Bumble. But it was Jenny Daniels who almost stole the show as Nancy with a voice that reached to the rafters – and a personality to match.

A Jodie Prenger in the making.

Director Alison Thornton, musical director Helen Harrison and choreographer Elaine Morrison led a strong orchestra and superb chorus.

Who could ask for more?

Oliver continues until Saturday (July 26).

Marilyn Chapman