Readers' letters - May 19

Should we stay in Europe or leave? One reader argues we should be true to ourselves long-term. What do other readers think?Should we stay in Europe or leave? One reader argues we should be true to ourselves long-term. What do other readers think?
Should we stay in Europe or leave? One reader argues we should be true to ourselves long-term. What do other readers think?
Labour should fight more

It’s great to see local people campaigning against the dreadful cuts in local public services. But it is hypocritical of local Conservatives to join in with the criticisms of these cuts when it is their Tory government that is behind the cuts. Labour local councillors, however, are not blameless. They should not be doing the government’s dirty work for them. If every Labour council across the country refused to implement these cuts, and if Labour councillors instead joined together with local protestors, there would be a real chance of forcing the national government to come up with the funding necessary for local libraries, bus services etc. Even if Labour councillors dare not set a no-cuts budget on the grounds that it would mean defying the law, they could resign their control of council positions, force Tory councillors to name their own cuts, and then keep voting them down. We could then insist adequate funding is found by increasing the taxes paid by the big corporations and by Cameron’s super-rich friends.

Phil Webster


When I was planning what to do over the Bank Holiday weekend, it was a pleasant surprise to hear Radio Lancashire announce that later trains had been arranged for the Sunday evening from Morecambe, so that spectators could stay to watch the finale to Morecambe Carnival – the firework display.

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In contrast, what a disappointment to find that those of us who depend on public transport could not reach Wray for the culmination of the Scarecrow week – Wray Fair on Bank Holiday Monday.

Neither could we have been returned home after the parade on Friday night, the last bus down the valley being 16.09, or enjoyed a day in the village on Sunday.

This is particularly discouraging as I believe that in previous years, visitors to the week’s events had been encouraged to use buses to relieve congestion in the village.

Disappointing as it has been not to visit Wray, how much greater an effect must this total lack of evening, Sunday and Bank Holiday transport have on the lives of those living and working in the area?

How does it affect their work, health needs and leisure?

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As a ‘trivial’ example, anyone in the Lune Valley without their own transport would not have been able to enjoy Green Ayre Rises held on the Sunday and Monday in Lancaster Library.

Ironically this excellent exhibition marked the closure of the Little North Western railway line in 1966. This line connected the Lune Valley to Lancaster, Morecambe and Heysham.

Such is the continuing demise of public transport in the Lune Valley and elsewhere. Is it any wonder that our roads are clogged-up with cars?

Joy Greenwood
