Below are the care homes within a five-mile radius of Preston city centre requiring improvements or inadequate according to the Care Quality CommissionBelow are the care homes within a five-mile radius of Preston city centre requiring improvements or inadequate according to the Care Quality Commission
Below are the care homes within a five-mile radius of Preston city centre requiring improvements or inadequate according to the Care Quality Commission

Care homes in Preston: These are the care homes in Preston given an inadequate or requires improvement rating by the CQC

Some care homes in Preston are currently rated inadequate or require improvement following reports produced by the Care Quality Commission.

The CQC check how safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led care homes are, giving each area a rating and then the care home an overall rating.

These are the care homes within a five-mile radius of Preston city centre which currently have an inadequate or requires improvement rating.

In some cases improvements may have been made ahead of their next CQC inspection.

In some cases improvements may have been made ahead of their next CQC inspection.