467 North West jobs lost in Monarch collapse

Grounded Monarch airlineGrounded Monarch airline
Grounded Monarch airline
The joint administrators of Monarch Airlines Limited and Monarch Travel Group have confirmed that 467 North West-based employees have been made redundant.

The staff, based in Manchester and Stockport, were among 1,858 employees who lost their jobs.

Of these, 1,760 were employees of Monarch Airlines, while 98 were employed by Monarch Travel Group.

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Between them the companies employed approximately 2100 people. The remainder have been retained by the joint administrators to assist them in the administration process and importantly, to help collate critical information to assist the Civil Aviation Authority with the repatriation of customers who are currently overseas.

Partner at KPMG and Joint Administrator Blair Nimmo commented: “Regrettably, with the business no longer able to fly, a significant number of redundancies were made.

“Over the coming days, my team will be doing all it can to assist the employees in submitting claims to the Redundancy Payments Office for monies owed.”

Blair Nimmo, Jim Tucker and Mike Pink from KPMG were appointed joint administrators to Monarch Airlines Limited early on Monday 2 October 2017. At the same time, Blair Nimmo, Jim Tucker and Steve Absolom from KPMG have been appointed joint administrators to Monarch Travel Group Limited.

The Group’s engineering operation, Monarch Aircraft Engineering Limited, is not in administration and continues to trade normally.