Readers' letters - May 18

Dangers of cannabis use outweighs '˜gains'

Cannabis has wrecked so many lives and, following research, there is now documented evidence that the drug causes psychosis and is directly linked to violent crime, including murder.

It has also been established as the underlying cause of the surge in gun and knife-related crimes.

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It is interesting to note that the Metropolitan Police files show half of all deaths are due to the drugs trade and, in other studies carried out, it was found two thirds of those who commit murder have a history of cannabis use.

If ever proof were needed to highlight the connection between cannabis users and shocking criminal acts, we only have to look at a few cases including Salman Abedi, the terrorist who carried out the Manchester Arena bombing atrocity, who was a frequent and heavy cannabis smoker; the terrorists who killed soldier Lee Rigby; the perpetrator of the Westminster Bridge attack and too many more to mention, all cannabis smokers.

I have personal knowledge of a case where an intelligent, pleasant young man had led a normal life until he became a frequent cannabis user and tragically ended up committing a horrific murder.

All these terrible acts of violence should shame the liberal elite who are pushing for cannabis to be decriminalised and also the police, whose attitude is far too relaxed in dealing with drug users and dealers.

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Prosecutions for possessing cannabis have plummeted while the numbers needing medical treatment for smoking the drug have soared.

Drug addiction and the associated mental health problems are a ticking timebomb and have a devastating effect on society.

The dangers of cannabis far outweigh any so-called ‘health benefits’ but those who misguidedly claim otherwise obviously haven’t had to pick up the pieces of shattered lives like so many families have had to do.

Susan Richardson

via email


EU and Royals both unelected

One reason people like myself have opposed Britain’s membership of what was originally just a Common Market is a democratic one. I never liked the idea of decisions affecting our future being decided by unelected people who don’t live in the UK, nor share its values and history.

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That same belief in democracy leads me to be opposed to the Royal Family and all it stands for. We should have an elected Head of State, not one who acquires the role through accident of birth.

Now critics of such a development say that we could get saddled with someone like Tony Blair.

But the beauty of democracy is that if someone becomes unpopular, we, the voters, can chuck them out, just as we do with unpopular governments.

And those who believe the monarchy has the backing of the people should be aware that attitudes can change over time. I mean, how many would have wanted Prince Charles as King if the Queen had passed away not long after Princess Diana?