PCW’s Steven Fludder - Sooner the unit opens the better or I could be looking at a divorce

Preston City Wrestling boss Steven FludderPreston City Wrestling boss Steven Fludder
Preston City Wrestling boss Steven Fludder
This week has been mostly just about tying up loose ends and getting ready for the upcoming shows and opening of the academy.

Last night we have been to Wales to collect the frame for the academy TV Studio. It was bigger than I expected and my wife is even more annoyed with me as the growing pile of equipment and stock taking over the house. Sooner the unit opens the better or I could be looking at a divorce. We have a TV Studio in the dining room, hundreds of DVDs/Blu Rays in the front room, crash mats in the hall, a PA system in the loft, two full size wrestling rings in the garden and boxes of t-shirts in the spare bedroom so I can see her point a little.

I am happy to come to a working agreement with the national retail chain GAME. Their branch in St Georges will give each customer a flyer in their bag promoting our October and November show and in exchange I have arranged that at 3pm on October 31st we will have a few former WWE stars in store for a special signing for all who purchase the new WWE 2K15 game from the store that day. Hopefully a few new eyes will see the flyers and it will help sell out October 31st.

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There is a real excitement for October 31st as it’s a rare chance to wear fancy dress at a wrestling show and not look out of place. So much fun will be had by all and I have really put some effort into my custom made outfit. I will not reveal what it is just now but I am sure it will bring a smile to those who see me at the show.

Remember for details on Preston City Wrestling go to www.prestoncitywrestling.com

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