Distressed social worker lands in court after hospital incident

Magistrates' CourtMagistrates' Court
Magistrates' Court
A Lancashire social worker, who drove to a hotel car park while drunk, swore at medical staff and police.

Preston magistrates heard Rachel Hoyles, 31, from Fulwood, Preston, was of previous good character but began drinking to cope with an abusive relationship.

She pulled into the car park of the Ramada at Charnock Richard on June 20 at 4pm.

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Prosecuting, Beth Pilling said: “She appeared upset and was mumbling.

“A worker asked if she would like to speak to staff.”

He feared she was going to pass out and guided her to a nearby seat while an ambulance was called.

She refused to explain what had happened, failed to give a breath test, and paramedics advised she had to go to hospital.

Miss Pilling added: “As she began to sober up she became increasingly aggressive.

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“The officer warned she would be arrested if she did not calm herself.

“She took exception to a female officer’s presence. She tried to pull her canular out.”

The court was told she was aggressive in the presence of other patients, including an elderly couple, and was found to be three times the limit.

She admitted abusive behaviour and drink driving.

Defending, Miss Johnson said she her road ban would mean demotion from her position which involves responding to children in emergencies.

She was given a £200 fine, 30 month ban, and a rehabilitation requirement.