Happy 100th birthday Brenda Stanley, of Leyland

Brenda StanleyBrenda Stanley
Brenda Stanley
Brenda Stanley is celebrating her 100th birthday.

The mother-of-three, who has seven grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren, enjoyed a gathering surrounded by family and friends at her home in Leyland.She was also honoured with a telegram from the Queen.Her daughter, Janet McGrath, says: “Mum was born in Dover and was next to the eldest of 10 children. She had to leave school at 14, to help her mother with her younger siblings, and to secure employment.“She started work at Leyland Paints, where she met her husband, John James Stanley. They married at St Andrew Parish Church, in Leyland, in 1939. After her marriage, she never worked, but concentrated on bringing up her family. She made dresses and knitted jumpers for her daughters and was an excellent cook and would always make her own bread and cakes, jams and preserves.“She has a great love of geography and the world. She has been lucky enough to do a lot of travelling and see many of countries she had spent her life reading about. “Mum also played golf, a sport she was very passionate about and was a member of Shaw Hill Golf Club. During the 1970s she was elected to become Lady Captain for a year, which she was immensely proud of achieving.“Dad died in 1985, but mum has been very lucky to have many family and friends who have supported her in her later years."