This is what people in Preston really think about the monarchy

People in Fylde love the monarchyPeople in Fylde love the monarchy
People in Fylde love the monarchy
Preston contains one of the most pro-monarchy areas in Britain, according to new research.

A survey of 21,000 people carried out by the publisher UnHerd in association with pollster FocalData found support for the monarchy was still high across most of the country.

Participants were asked how much they agreed with the statement "I am a strong supporter of the continued reign of the Royal Family".

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The responses were then analysed to create a model for each constituency, based on the characteristics of people living there, including age, voting record and employment status.

Of the three parliamentary constituencies that are in or cross over into Preston, the most pro-monarchy was Fylde – 65 per cent supported the monarchy, compared to 17 per cent who don’t, with the rest undecided.

Of these, 32 per cent strongly agree with the statement, while 33 said they simply agree.

At the other end of the scale was Preston.

Here, just 45 per cent of people were pro-Crown, compared to 23 per cent who were not.

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The constituencies were ranked based on how many agree versus disagree, with the top ranking being the most pro-monarchist.

Fylde placed 29th out of 632 constituencies – not including the 18 in Northern Ireland – while Preston came in at 515th.

Across Britain as a whole, 48 per cent of people support the monarchy, 25 per cent do not, and 28 per cent are not sure.

Old Bexley and Sidcup, in London, was the most supportive, with both the highest agreement (68 per cent) and the lowest disagreement (12 per cent).

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Just three constituencies – Liverpool Riverside, Manchester Central and Glasgow Central – were home to more republicans than royalists.

Suburban and rural areas dominated the top spots, while all of the 10 least monarchist areas were in major cities.

Paul Embery, from UnHerd, said the results demonstrated a widening cultural schism between cities and the rest of the country, which pre-dates the turmoil caused by Brexit.

He said: “Though ostensibly about the Royal Family, the poll results highlight something more profound about our country.

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“They illustrate the extent to which we have tipped into a very real cultural war, with competing values and priorities vying for ascendancy.

“Much of our political discourse and debate must now be seen through this prism. We had better get used to it.”

The results and rankings for each constituency in Preston are:

29) Fylde: 65 per cent agree, 17 per cent disagree

171) Wyre and Preston North: 61 per cent agree, 18 per cent disagree

515) Preston: 45 per cent agree, 23 per cent disagree