Work starts on improving village centre

Broughton crossroadsBroughton crossroads
Broughton crossroads
Work is due to start on Monday on improvements in Broughton village, including cycling, walking and environmental enhancements along Garstang Road.

The work involves new measures to discourage vehicles from travelling unnecessarily through the centre of the village .

It wil also encourage the use of James Towers Way.

There will also be traffic calming features at key locations through the village.

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The work being carried out by Lancashire County Council will begin at the north and south ends of Garstang Road, before moving to the centre of the village around the crossroads.

There’ll be improvements for pedestrians and cyclists, including to part of the Preston Guild Wheel.

Garstang Road will be narrowed and a new grass verge and cycle track will be created on the west side of the road.

There will also be tree planting, speed humps, a new pedestrian and cyclist crossing to replace the existing crossing to the south of Church Lane, as well as improvements around the war memorial.

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Public realm improvements in the village centre will take place on Garstang Road, Whittingham Lane and Woodplumpton Lane. High-quality natural stone materials, a reduced road width, wider footways, courtesy crossings and landscaping will be installed.

The whole project is schedule to take around eleven months to complete.

Temporary road closures will be needed at times during this work.

County Councillor Keith Iddon, cabinet member for highways and transport, said: “This package of measures will significantly improve the centre of Broughton, making it a more welcoming place.

“It will also improve walking and cycling facilities, and add new measures to encourage better driving and reduce unnecessary journeys through the village.”